Thursday, November 22, 2012

Why I Am Thankful for Pie

This time of year - overflowing with birthdays, holidays and visits from loved ones far away - I find myself reflecting a bit more than usual on the abundant blessings in my life. And this year, with my own birthday falling on Thanksgiving Day and another year full of things to be grateful for behind me, this seems to be doubly so.

Among other things, I am thankful for pie. Not just the actual dessert itself, mind you, but what pie has brought into my life over this past year. Pie has taught me that I can do things I never thought possible. Pie has solidified, improved and restored relationships in my life. And p
ie has been the perfect vehicle to show love to those around me.

I am thankful for my many pastry muses: Miss Megan, my Mom, Tom and Adrienne, Briana and Daniel, my husband Will, Brad, Kaci, Kathy, Anita, Miss Jamie, Kristin, Victoria, Timmy Dad, Joanna, Angela, Don, Wilson and all of the friends and family who are still patiently awaiting their pies. (I foresee a lot of baking in my future.)

So, this year as our little family of four sits down to a maybe slightly less traditional Thanksgiving dessert of buttermilk pie, my wish
 is that you, too, are celebrating with the ones you are most thankful for. And if you happen to spend a bit of your holiday sharing a piece of pie, all the sweeter.

"… truth be told, turkey is an obstacle on the road leading to pie." - The Philadelphia Inquirer